Friday, August 25, 2006

One year ago

Crayon Box was started with this post.
I'm still getting my head around the idea of a blog.

I mean, its safe, yet very unsafe.
Private yet very public.
personal but also quite publicly damning.

What if you say the wrong thing ...
and what if i blurt out personal details which hurt the people close to me?

What if i fill it up with crap?
What if i have no time to update?
Do i have anypoint to make?
and if not, would it be too self indulgent tojust ramble and talk about myself?

The choices we make.

I wondered what blogging was and what it wasn’t. I was guarded about my privacy. I was curious about it as a medium to rediscover my writing voice and as a space where I could play and speak my personal truths in a haphazard sort of way.

A year later, its still going!

The blog was first named “The Choices We Make” and then, I renamed it to "Crayon Box". I thought of adding some links and a banner maybe, but my blogging skills haven’t advanced that far. I’ll try to keep the updates going. No, I haven’t been totally swallowed up by cable TV. To commemorate the first year, what better than a Girl’s Night Out?

So I’m going out tonight to try something completely new. I’m curious to find out about a group of mostly women who meet regularly and tell stories. They are called the Storyteller’s Circle and they meet in a shophouse in Little India once a month. Adults only.

To everyone who’s been coming in to check up on me, thanks for stopping by. I’m still here and there will be a lot more stories to tell.


Blogger A cupcake or two said...

happy anniversary chickie! :)

6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Keep'em coming!

11:14 PM  

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